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Made From Scratch Recipes


Welcome to Made From Scratch Recipes! Find awesome recipes by category, cuisine, course, occasion, dietary needs, time to make and more to help you cook delicious meals.

Food recipes are essential for maintaining a smooth operating kitchen in personal and professional settings. No experienced chef will tell anyone to just "eyeball" the ingredients.

Adding a final pinch of salt and garnish can help deliver a tasty and memorable meal, but it can never replace tasty food made with balanced spices and high-quality ingredients handled with care.

It all comes down to following a tried and tested recipe that hits all the right notes in the flavor profile while delivering a visually pleasing dining experience.

What's The Importance Of Recipes?


The first and foremost important step to learning cooking skills is to equip yourself with a decent number of recipes for the dishes and cuisines you will most likely be cooking. This learning process could be an exciting, never-ending quest that leads you down many unexplored culinary lanes.

As crucial as recipes are for people learning to cook food, they are even more important for professional chefs.

Recipes serve both practical and theoretical purposes, not to mention that a well-written recipe is an art. They are the guidelines to help the head chef communicate the technical and artistic aspects of the dish in question with their staff.

In terms of practicality, a recipe is also the precise listing of all the ingredients and techniques required to prepare a dish successfully.

What Can A Good Recipe Do for You?

Good Recipes

Any chef who cooks from their recipes but does not write them down to help his staff understand the process will never be a good instructor or head chef. He will most likely be unable to run a big commercial kitchen or business that requires multiple hands working simultaneously.

He would have to perform all the crucial cooking jobs without the assistance of other chefs to execute the final dish perfectly. Additionally, he can never expect consistent results from delegated tasks that require cooking because the staff won't be able to understand what to deliver in the absence of clear instructions.

Good recipes present the cooking staff with clear and concise approaches to the job that is expected of them. They help create a positive guest experience with fine dining. But of course, no recipe is perfect, and the kitchen staff must learn how to put the final touches on seasonings and even manage the final product texture and consistency to fit the chef's palate.

In this sense, a recipe serves as a roadmap, a way for the chef to direct his team. However, to reproduce the recipe to the chef's standards, the staff must first understand his palate and expectations.

Reproducing the perfect recipe allows the staff to learn from the chef and provides many other invaluable benefits. Let's have a look at some of the most tangible advantages of producing and following recipes:

Increases Food Quality

The most tangible benefit of following a recipe is better food quality. Selecting a range of fresh and nutritious dishes is one method of eating a balanced diet. However, until they are adequately prepped to be cooked, these top-quality ingredients can go to waste.

A recipe aims to guarantee a successful outcome in terms of the quality and quantity of the final product. When trying to take a recipe to the next level for the first time, you will need all the expertise and experience you can get. The result of attempting to follow the recipe exactly will be worth it.

Following a recipe, whether at a restaurant or at home, may help improve volume control, which is essential to maintaining a balanced diet. A consistent recipe allows you to enjoy your food to the fullest while staying within your calorie intake limit.

A consistent recipe at home will ensure the highest quality food is served every single time! You can also keep tabs on the ingredients and labor costs by using predefined recipes to improve food quality and reliability.

Improves Food Consistency

Consistency is crucial to the success of any cooking technique. When you use a standard recipe, you can rest assured that the volume and quality will be consistent, and so will the prices. That doesn't mean you can't change or that you must prepare the same cuisine and recipes every time.

Following a precise recipe and its entailing cooking steps showcases the chef's self in terms of what they desire their food to be and how they like others to perceive their cooking.

The following are some tried-and-true methods for maintaining food quality and consistency by following recipes:

  • Have detailed recipe standards for your team to follow.
  • Invest time in teaching your staff how you expect the cuisine to look and taste.
  • Make sure new employees are properly introduced and brought up to speed.
  • Photograph the dishes so your guests can see how they will be served. Just be careful not to stylize or photoshop the images to impossible-to-meet standards overly.
  • Refrain from accepting anything that isn't up to par with your standards.

Can Help Forecast And Manage Food Costs

Easy Recipes

Recipes can help forecast the ingredients used and positively affect the process of placing food supplies. You will know exactly how much to order, so you never run out of ingredients again.

If your records are correct, you may run out of supplies way earlier or have excess stock on hand, which may be discarded. When ordering, by following the recipe, you know how much to order, the exact amount that will be prepared and its cost.

To calculate the yield of a recipe, add up the weight or volume of the final product. Consider a sauce recipe that focuses on delivering 24 servings of 8 ounces each, which is the same as saying the soup would make 6 quarts or a half gallon. In terms of weight, a recipe with 20 servings of taco filling at 4 ounces each would generate 5 pounds.

The cost per cooked meal may be used to establish standard outcomes for the primary, generally more expensive items like meat. A roast that weighs 11 pounds may cost $17 per pound. Roast beef dinners typically feature 8-ounce servings of roasted beef. Even though the roast weighs 11 pounds before cutting and roasting, it will weigh less afterwards and will not provide 22 servings. A yield test may be used to estimate the average yield and actual yield, as well as the number of servings, cost per serving, and unit weight.

Recipes can help prevent food waste. In most cases, people throw away their food waste, and only around 15% of this food is reprocessed or distributed. Recipe management is key to decreasing food waste and related costs in restaurants with tight budgets.

In fact, even home cooks and students living on tight budgets can reduce their food waste by following standardized recipes - you don't have to be a professional chef like Gordon Ramsay. Cooks and restaurant owners alike may save money by adopting a restaurant management system to track and control expenses.

However, there are also a few possible drawbacks to relying solely on recipe-based forecasting. The staff's lack of faith in the recipes is mainly linked to the unreliability of the recipe-handling process. Because of this, forecasting is prone to mistakes, which can severely impact your food budget. Simply put, forecasts are often inaccurate.

But there's no reason to make things more complicated than they already are and to err on the side of caution with the help of recipes. The ability to predict the expanses with reasonable accuracy is critical for a successful restaurant business, and recipes can play an essential role in this respect.

Help Manage Ordering and Inventory

Setting the portion size and ensuring the correct yield is crucial in any kitchen. The only way to truly benefit from following a recipe is to keep track of its yield each time you cook. People can argue that they do not have the time to do it, but you can't let it happen. Knowing the production of your recipes is essential for checking the accuracy of your nutritional estimate.

Make a recipe cost-effective by calculating the cost per serving. This record is vital to any practical inventory management system. The actual cost of your goods can also be determined using this record. Understanding how much a plate costs can help you plan your finances properly, for instance, how much you should charge for it.

As a bonus, having a system that automatically adjusts all prices to the current market pricing is beneficial, considering the rate of inflation and the erratic variations in the market rate. This enhancement may lead to more precise reports, predictions, and menu preparations.

Your system can also be configured to automatically change the selling price, find a replacement item, or create a new serving size if an ingredient's cost exceeds normal.

Maintaining a home recipe system can help you save money on perishable food items by reminding you to buy what you need only. As an outcome, you don't have to worry about the refrigerator being overloaded with things not needed or your raw materials going to waste. For instance, after calculating your household's typical consumption, you can shop for groceries with a preplanned margin that fits your budget.

Can Help Improve Staff Training

The best way for owners and managers to instruct new hires is to treat it like following a recipe. It's essential to have the right "ingredients" in your team. Put things on paper in the most logical sequence so you know exactly what to do.

A "recipe" for your training can help you remember all the steps and organize your thoughts. When hiring new staff members, it's always nice to have their morale boosted. Employee morale, output, and compliance may all benefit from proper onboarding training.

A senior staff member doesn't need to explain methods and procedures to new cooks if recipes are presented in a standard manner with clear instructions and a design in the order of stages. When following a recipe, new cooks should double-check the list as each item is added to the dish. This prevents unintentional repetition of ingredients in recipes that might occur while chefs are fitting in. This also can prevent any restaurant insurance related claims from putting in a wrong ingredient that could cause an illness.

To do this, you must first set specific recipes everyone can follow. It is in their improvement that you excel. It's best to fine-tune and improve as you go. With the appropriate skills and some practice, this can be done in a relatively short amount of time.

Recipes Make Calculating Nutritional Information Easier

There is no doubt that when it comes to producing food, having standardized recipes helps guarantee the highest quality every time. Using a tried-and-true formula preserves the food's economic and nutritional value.

Confidence in your recipes will allow you to accommodate your diet plan confidently. When all the correct ingredients are added to the recipes, the cook doesn't have to second-guess themselves.

Following the recipe's instructions, estimating how much of each ingredient is needed for supply is simple. Maintaining good health requires paying attention to one's diet and keeping track of one's calorie and nutrient intake. Keeping healthy standards is suitable not only for restaurant owners but also for people who cook at home.

What Are Some Good Recipe Writing Tips?

Writing Recipes

Writing a good recipe is a step-by-step process. It ultimately results in making a set amount of a specific food with consistently high quality at a steady rate. A good recipe must be intelligible to be followed in any kitchen to ensure that the result is of consistent quality and quantity, regardless of who is making it.

The presence of the following elements is non-negotiable in any recipe to make it an excellent, standard recipe:

  • Appropriate name of the dish
  • Approximate serving size
  • Detailed methods of preparation
  • Temperature and timing for cookie
  • The precise list and amount of ingredients
  • The total yield

Let's have a look at all of these in detail to understand what purpose they serve and why they are so important.

Appropriate Name of The Dish in Question

It might be tempting to let your imaginations run wild and name the recipe to pay homage to your childhood memories or places you have visited. But that will not be a constructive way to write a recipe. A recipe name should be clear to the reader about what they are about to prepare.

It should include the main ingredients, like the type of meat, and the terms of any spices used if they are exotic or unusual to the cuisine. A good recipe name also mentions the cooking style used in preparation. For example:

  • Steamed mushroom chicken: The name mentions the cooking style and the key ingredients.
  • Saffron-infused pan-fried Salmon: Saffron, as the starring spice, is included in the name, as is the cooking method and fish meat used.

The Total Yield

Stating the total yield can help not only the staff following the recipe. But it also helps the writer themselves if they revisit the recipe after a long time. It is better to include how many servings the recipe makes and the total volume, i.e., 2 gallons of soup or 1 kg of mixed vegetable salad.

Including the number of servings in a recipe makes it more convenient to serve smaller and larger parties. Another vital point to keep in mind when recording the total yield is to keep the units consistent. Using the gallon unit to measure the total output of the chicken mushroom soup recipe, use gallons for tomato, cream of mushroom, or any other soup variety you plan to include in the menu. Do not switch to oz for some of the options.

The same goes for portion size. If you are using a typical ladle of a predetermined size or volume to measure the quantity for a single serving of soup, make sure that it remains the same and that every member understands and uses this single measuring system.

Therefore, if you are measuring total yield in terms of the number of servings from a recipe, stick to it till the end. This can also help reduce food waste because no one will be served excessively, and the chef will not make more food than is expected.

Correct Serving Size

As an industry standard, liquid servings for a single diner are measured in ounces (oz.), and solid foods are measured in terms of weight unit grams (gm.). You should train your staff on this because it can cause people problems. Staff members must use kitchen math correctly in their daily work and understand its importance. They should know that a ladle holds six ounces of soup, not six ounces on a scale. Measuring with a spoon and scale is not the same, and they should be trained to discern between the two.

The Precise List And Amount Of Ingredients

A recipe always includes a separate listing of all the ingredients and their precise amounts required in the recipe. Furthermore, the ingredients should be listed in the order in which they will be used during food preparation. If multiple ingredients need to be added at the same time, arrange them logically first, then alphabetically within each category.

Staff usually find it easier to read and follow recipes if the first letters of ingredients' names are capitalized. Some chefs also like to capitalize every letter in the names of food ingredients to emphasize them. But remember that this makes it harder to read in general and raises the possibility of error. For example, "Chilled Unsalted Butter" versus "CHILLED UNSALTED BUTTER".

Detailed Methods Of Preparation

The method or instructions for cooking should always follow the path set by the list of ingredients. The consistency in terminology makes the recipe easier to read. It can help make the recipe more coherent and limit the margins for error to some degree.

There are, however, some instances where the listing style should be tweaked to make the recipe less prone to human error. Assume that a recipe includes a spice list as follows, basil-1 tea spn, oregano-1 tea spn, pepper-half tea spn, salt-2 tea spn, and thyme-1 tea spn.

If these spices are to be added together, they should appear in the list in the order mentioned above. However, once you note how the items are arranged and their quantities, note that pepper and salt should be listed separately in this case. Why? Because Basil, Oregano, and Thyme are all the same amount, whereas Pepper and Salt are not.

If these ingredients are not rearranged, then there is a greater chance that a cook will mismeasure and the end product will not taste good. To counter this, they are removed from the middle of the lineup and placed at the end. Pepper, as it is in lesser amounts, is listed after Basil, Oregano, Thyme, and salt comes last.

Chefs can also greatly benefit from including HACCP (Hazardous Action Critical Control Point) information in the recipes. This information can be included in the cooking directions or at the bottom of the recipe. Chefs responsible for creating the recipes must be aware of HACCP requirements and regulations.

If not, learn them and adjust the recipe's cooking or baking time, ingredients handling, and portion sizes to ensure proper cooking.

Another good recipe writing tip is to include side notes about special diets, like lactose-free or nut-free alternatives. This is especially crucial if you modify your recipe to meet your customers' needs better. Another good idea to include on the top of the recipe is the author's name and the date they created the recipe.

It is a security measure for any future correspondence; to ask a question or seek alterations, you may need to revisit someone. Remember, as you use the recipe over an extended period, add the dates when it was modified or any other information you deem necessary.

Temperature And Timing

Cooking temperature is another piece of information that should be added to a recipe to ensure; not only tasty food but also that it is adequately cooked and meets the HACCP standards. Food temperature and timing should be measured to ensure the production of a safe food product.

Pathogens like verotoxigenic E. coli and salmonellae are significant biological hazards that can be present in undercooked meat dishes. Following precise times and temperatures is the step in the cooking process that you can control to eliminate or reduce these hazards to acceptable levels.

Always include the exact time and temperature in a recipe to ensure that food safety is maintained consistently. This information includes oven temperature in F, time and rate of heating and cooling, patty thickness in inches, patty composition: i.e., chicken or all beef, and oven humidity in % RH.

Made From Scratch Recipes