The recipe Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)

Made From Scratch Recipes

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) recipe is a meal that takes several minutes to make. If you enjoy for , you will like Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)!

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) Recipe
Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)

How simple can you get with basic ingredients to create wonderful homemade 100% Wheat Bread.

How Long Does Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) Recipe Take To Prepare?

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) takes several minutes to prepare.

How Long Does Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) Recipe Take To Cook?

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) takes several minutes to cook.

How Many Servings Does Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) Recipe Make?

Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) makes 20 servings.

What Are The Ingredients For Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) Recipe?

The ingredients for Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) are:

Sea Salt 1 tsp
Arrowhead Mills Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour, 4 to 5 cups
Hodgson Mill Active Dry Yeast, 1 tbsp
Warm Water, 1 3/4 fl oz
Instant dry milk 2 tbsp
Molasses, 2 tbsp
Vegetable Oil, 2 tbsp

How Do I Make Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)?

Here is how you make Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills):

Pour water into a large mixing bowl and sprinkle with yeast. Allow yeast to dissolve, (about 5 min). Add milk, salt, honey, oil and 2 cups of flour. Stir well. Continue to stir adding a little flour at a time until dough becomes stiff and pulls away sides of bowl. Turn dough onto floured board and knead 5-7 minutes, until dough is smooth and elastic. Shape dough and place in oiled 9"x5" loaf pan. Allow loaf to rise in warm place until doubled. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake 45-60 minutes or until done.Serving Size:?Makes 1 loaf= 20 slices of bread

What's The Nutritional Info For Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills)?

The nutritional information for Basic Whole Wheat Bread (Arrowhead Mills) is:

  • Servings Per Recipe: 20
  • Amount Per Serving
  • Calories: 124.6
  • Total Fat: 2.2 g
  • Cholesterol: 0.1 mg
  • Sodium: 100.5 mg
  • Total Carbs: 22.6 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 3.2 g
  • Protein: 4.2 g

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